Garrett McCutcheon

Idiot from: Fall 2005 to Spring 2009


Announcer: This weekend only, buy one get one half...


Woman: Oh Donny, you couldn’t!?

Man: I did Rebecca, I most certainly did!

Woman: But...

(click) "Is there ever anything good on TV anymore?"

Announcer: Tonight on History’s Mysteries…is he a man?...a boy genius?...even human? Tonight we reveal the shocking and terrifying history behind "The Legend of Garrett the Mystical"

(theme music) "Finally something good!"

Announcer: Not much is known about the actual person. Eyewitness accounts say he was incredible to behold. Some said he was godlike. All that we know for sure is that he was all-powerful, all-knowing, and certainly not from around these parts.

(to be continued…)