Briana Stahl

Idiot from: Fall 2019 to current

The Sun's Last Tear

Once upon a time, in a distant era beyond our comprehension, there existed a story that transcended the very fabric of our universe, binding humanity together in its essence. It was a tale that unfolded in the epoch preceding the formation of our solar system—a forgotten age when the celestial ballet unfolded in mesmerizing harmony.

In this prelude to time, there were no stars, but instead, eleven magnificent planets, intricately intertwined in a cosmic waltz. They encircled each other, creating a symphony of rings and pathways, their celestial bodies caressing the atmospheres of their neighbors. Laughter filled the cosmos, as these celestial beings reveled in their playful dance.

Yet, amidst this celestial jubilation, a remarkable event occurred on the planet Mars. Life began to stir, and from its core, a unique species emerged. This species, known as Divoc, possessed an insatiable hunger that devoured entire planets, leaving fear and devastation in its wake. The planets were perplexed, for they had never witnessed such a voracious creature.

Overwhelmed by trepidation, the planets scattered, each fleeing from the other. Their attempt to halt the advance of Divoc succeeded, but it left them desolate and yearning for their harmonious dance.

However, three courageous planets—Learth, Theo, and Don-Tea—grew weary of this isolation. United by their shared longing, they conjured a powerful inferno that blazed brilliantly in the vastness of space. This inferno transformed them into a radiant entity—a sun. As the Sun, they scorched the surface of Mars, banishing the Divoc species to the abyss.

The planets rejoiced at Divoc's demise, yet this victory came at a great cost. The newfound Sun, enormous and perilous, could no longer partake in the dance of the cosmos.

Undeterred, the planets devised a new routine. Each planet gracefully orbited the Sun, ensuring its stability by maintaining a precise distance. Although this dance lacked the exhilaration of their past intertwinement, they found solace in the fact that they could still dance together.

The Sun, filled with jubilance at being able to dance alongside the planets once more, shed a solitary tear—a tear brimming with the collective emotions of Learth, Theo, and Don-Tea. This teardrop traversed the expanse of space, leaving behind a trail of humor, kindness, joy, excitement, energy, power, and amazement. Finally, it descended upon Earth, embedding itself within the soil. From that very spot, a single human emerged, the embodiment of the Sun's last and loneliest tear—Briana Stahl.

Briana Stahl carried within her the essence of the Sun's tear—a potent amalgamation of the celestial emotions that birthed her. She possessed the ability to radiate humor, to extend kindness, to embrace joy, and to evoke excitement. Her very presence sparked a surge of energy and power, leaving all who encountered her in awe.

And so, Briana Stahl, The Sun's Last Tear, embarked on a remarkable journey. She became a beacon of light, spreading warmth and compassion to all she encountered, for she knew that true fulfillment lay in sharing the boundless love and cosmic harmony that resided within her. In doing so, she perpetuated the everlasting spirit of the celestial dance, reminding humanity of their interconnectedness and the profound beauty that exists within the universe.

And thus, the tale of The Sun's Last Tear lives on, a timeless narrative that serves as a reminder of the power of unity, compassion, and the enduring light that shines within us all.